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New River Valley Data Dashboard


The New River Valley Data Dashboard is an interactive data visualization tool that is designed for local governments, grant writers, non-profit organizations, and New River Valley citizens. The dashboard makes regional demographic, economic and community health data more readily accessible and user-friendly. The dashboard is maintained by the New River Valley Regional Commission.

"As the grant writer for our nonprofit, I am pleased to be able to utilize the NRV Data Dashboard. You have made it so easy for me to access the valuable information I need to apply for funds to keep our operation running. Thank you!"
Donna Fern, Director, Radford-Fairlawn Daily Bread
Economic indicators icon

Economic Indicators are an important aspect of the New River Valley’s overall development. These indicators include data on agriculture, median family income, per capita income, poverty, and tourism.

Health icon

The New River Valley strives to be an area known for its healthy citizens. Health data includes children in poverty, teen birth rate and obesity.

Housing icon

The New River Valley has a wide variety of housing available for its residents. Many aspects of housing are important to keep in mind in order to offer affordable housing for our citizens. Housing data includes housing stock by year built, median home value, occupied housing fuel type, occupied housing, and vacant housing.

Population indicators icon

Population in the New River Valley has been growing rapidly throughout the past fifty years. Population data includes overall population for the New River Valley and population for each locality within the New River Valley.

Transportation indicators icon

Transportation is a key aspect to track for the overall progression of this region. Transportation data includes commuting distances from home to work, number of households with no vehicle available, and number of households with one or less vehicle available.

Workforce indicators icon

The New River Valley’s workforce is a strong component of what makes this region thrive. Workforce data includes unemployment, total jobs for all industry sectors, average annual pay for all industry sectors, average annual pay for manufacturing sector, and total jobs in the manufacturing industry.