The procurement of architectural/engineering (A/E) Services for the passenger rail
station is moving along! On March 24, 2023, the New River Valley Passenger Rail Station Authority (NRVPRSA) issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to procure A/E Services for the Passenger Rail Station in Christiansburg, Virginia. The goal is to identify the firm that is most qualified to develop the design for a 13,500+/- sq. ft passenger rail station including a
platform, parking areas, utilities, and a roadway entrance. Out of the 13,500 sq. ft.
facility, 3,500 sq. ft. is for the standard caretaker station and the additional 10,000 sq. ft.
is for offices and meeting space.
On April 25, 2023, the New River Valley Regional Commission (NRVRC) received six
RFQ submittals. The NRVPRSA Board established a review team,
reviewed/evaluated the submittals, and conducted interviews for the four top scoring
firms. The board has discussed the results of the two review committees and the
responses from their references and agreed to accept the recommendation of the top
ranked firm.
We our happy to announce that Wendel, in partnership with Foresight Design Services, has
been selected as the top firm in the RFQ process. We anticipate the initiation of contract
negotiations sometime in July.
Please contact Chris Owens, for any additional information.