At the request of Giles County, NRVRC was tasked to assist in updating their Comprehensive Plan, which was previously adopted in 2012. The comprehensive plan, though general in nature, is a vital document for any local government, which sets the vision and direction of the community. The Commonwealth of Virginia mandates that each Planning Commission review and update the document at least every 5 years so that current and future needs of the community are identified and addressed. NRVRC staff worked closely with the Giles County staff, and Planning Commission to identify and address relevant issues and layout new goals, objectives, and policies. Stages of the process included project kickoff, data input and analysis, visioning, draft preparation, public review and comments, and adoption. The Plan addressed a wide range of issues and elements such as economic development, education, transportation, natural and historic resources, public and private partnerships, tourism, land use concepts and strategies, and more. The Plan was adopted by the Board of Supervisors on June 21, 2018.
For further information, please contact Aphi Fancon (, 540-639-9313, ext. 217.