Each year the Regional Commission reviews and updates the Regional Economic Strategy (RES). The purpose of the RES is to continue federal and local partnerships to address economic development in the region. The RES also documents the planning efforts to identify economic development needs in the region and the creation of the strategy document.

At the June 27th NRVRC board meeting, the final 2024 Regional Economic Strategy document was approved. This year’s document features updates to our updated top projects, and sections on resilience and recovery. The final document can be found at https://nrvrc.org/economy

The Regional Commission continues to enhance the accessibility and engagement of the RES and key information through an interactive digital format and a data dashboard, maintained by the Regional Commission, providing user-friendly demographic, economic, and community health data for local governments, grant writers, non-profits, and citizens.

For more information, contact Leo Priddy at lpriddy@nrvrc.org.