In 2012, a group formed to create more dialog between public transit providers across the New River Valley region. Known today as the Regional Transit Coordinating Council (RTCC), the group established key priorities at the inaugural meeting. The Regional Transit Study aims to complete one of the priorities by investigating potential enhancements at overlapping and high-volume bus stop locations. March 15, 2016 the RTCC developed and prioritized a 3-year and 6-year action plan for overlapping service locations.
The study provides a comprehensive analysis of overlapping service locations. Furthermore, each overlapping stop is assigned a service environment that links to design strategy recommendations. View the draft study by selecting the link below.
A Bus Rider Survey was conducted between April 2015 and February 2016. More than 800 responses were collected and utilized in conjunction with case studies, researched planning/policy guidance, and feedback from subject experts to develop the 2016 Regional Transit Study. Public comment on the draft study closed April, 2016.